Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-21-13

I've been having a bit of trouble lately with uploading the last session of my Edge of the Empire RPG campaign to Dailymotion.  I've contacted support and am working on the problem.  Hopefully, we'll get the videos loaded soon.


Hey, look!  I fixed the issue.  Also, I forgot to press record on the most recent session, so there might not be a new one for a little while.

Part 1:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-21-13, pt 1 by Boundcompass

Part 2:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-21-13, pt 2 by Boundcompass

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Perilous Exploits of Major Zarek Meson and the Brigands of Ursa - Episode 20 - The Good Ship Urania

Ah, another episode of the Amazing Adventures of Captain...  Farr...  Uh...  The Perilous Exploits of Major Zarek Meson and the Brigands of Ursa.  This episode is the Good Ship Urania.  It's the season finale! In which, our heroes... are actually the villains?  Wait, what?

The Perilous Exploits of Major Zarek Meson and the Brigands of Ursa - Episode 20 - The Good Ship Urania by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 19 - The Agreement

What?  Another?  Good God, will these re-runs of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses not end?  I... hey, this one isn't half bad.  This episode is the Agreement.  In which our heroes enter into a deal to put a damsel in distress for money and love. Way to be pro-feminist, guys.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 19 - The Agreement by Boundcompass

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 18 - The Hunt on Vulpecula Gamm VII

Oh, I just got done with one re-release episode of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses; I couldn't possibly have another.  Alright, twist my arm.  This episode is The Hunt on Vulpecula Gamma VII.  In which our heroes must rescue a captured comrade on a deadly forest planet. Two guesses who it is. No, seriously. Guess. I'm sure you'll nail it in, like, one hit.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 18 - The Hunt on Vulpecula Gamma VII by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 17 - L'Ombre Francais

At last!  I've been waiting forever for another re-release of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses.  They're just so delicious.  This episode is  L'Ombre Francais.  In which our heroes are off on another adventure. Nope, we don't get to see it, we're following Reagan and Wrench as they hang back at the Cabalina.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 17 - L'Ombre Francais by Boundcompass

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 16 - The Royalty at the Helm

Yes!  An Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses.  Just what I've always wanted.  This episode is the Royalty at the Helm.  In which, one of our heroes reunites with an old friend form her past... their... Damn, I just gave away who it was didn't I?

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 16 - The Royalty at the Helm by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 15 - The Days Long Past

Another episode of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses?  How many of these are they?  Tonight's episode is the Days Long Past.  In which one of our heroes realizes he's kind of old.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 15 - The Days Long Past by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 14 - The Junk World

Ah... sit and enjoy a fine fresh glass of a re-release of The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses.  Tonight's episode is the Junk World.  In which our heroes travel to the center of the Earth. Except it's not really the Earth. It's only kind of the center, well, it's this asteroid that has a... look, just listen to the damn episode.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 14 - The Junk World by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 13 - The Break Out

What?  Another group of reruns of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses?  Neat.  This episode is The Break Out.  In which our heroes are sent to jail!  Wait... what?

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 13 - The Break Out by Boundcompass

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 12 - The Dry Spell

Another grand re-release of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses!  Tonight is the twelfth episode: The Dry Spell.  In which our heroes get... kinda... bored.  Maybe... I dunno... something will happen?

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 12 - The Dry Spell by Boundcompass

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 11 - The Damsel of Gemini Delta IV

The Re-release of Episode 11 of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses is here!  Tonight's episode is The Damsel of Gemini Delta IV.  In which our heroes take hunt for a grand treasure lost to the reaches of space!  A villainous space Duke!  A damsel in distress!  A needlessly creepy kid!  It's a shame I didn't focus on the story for this.  Nope.  Instead, Reagan and Hollander take a day-off and hang-out together.  Seriously, what was I thinking?

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 11 - The Damsel of Gemini Delta IV by Boundcompass

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 10 - The Return of Aislyn Apehlion

The re-release of Episode 10 of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses is here!  Tonight's episode The Return of Aislyn Aphelion.  In which and old enemy returns. Will our heroes manage to hawk the ancient alien artifact they legally procured from Baron Helion? Will they manage to outrun the enigmatic villainess? Will Reagan give two craps? No, Not really, and not a chance.

But first, a quick update on Season 3.  It's ready!  Kind of.  So here's the deal: I'm finishing up converting the episodes into *.mp3 and *.mp4 formats, and then it's just submitting for copywrite (which really won't delay anything).  So what's the hold up?  Money.  The reality is that because of a move and the holidays, I'm broke and need to wait until afterwards in order to afford more advertising.

My promise though, is that these episodes will begin to release on July 2nd.  I should have no problem getting them out by then, and worse comes to worse, I just won't be able to advertise them as much as I would like to.  If you want to help out, you can always click the donate button right over there.  No... Up more.  No... Look - look where I'm pointing.  Above the... NO! IT'S RIGHT THERE!

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 10 - The Return of Aislyn Aphelion by Boundcompass

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-14-2013

This is the December 14th session of the Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG campaign - Galaxy Is Ours.  With Bleep successfully rescued by Beck and now safe at Maria's home, the heroes must find a way to repair their ship.  Many parts are still missing, but their new ally - Festus Harper Masterman - may know where a few of these parts are.

Part 1:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-14-13, Pt 1 by Boundcompass

Part 2:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-14-13, Pt 2 by Boundcompass

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 09 - Platypus the Bounty Hunter

It's Episode 09 of the re-release of the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses!  Tonight's Episode is Platypus The Bounty Hunter.  In which our hero... gets drunk and falls asleep, apparently.  Awesome.  Well, our side kicks... are abducted by a third rate bounty hunter.  Is anyone really trying at this point?

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 09 - Platypus the Bounty Hunter by Boundcompass

Monday, December 9, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12/07/13

This is the December 7th session of the Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG campaign - Galaxy Is Ours.  I am your host and Gamemaster, Devin Peters.  Tonight's episode features Shawn Meads as B1-33p "Bleep," and Harlan Tallman as Festus Harper Masterman.

Bleep - in an effort to escape from the clutches of King Jawa - has tripped the alarm.  Can he escape?  Will this new mysterious swindler who was totally retconned into the previous encounter be able to aid Bleep?  Find out!

Part 1

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-07-13, Pt 1 by Boundcompass

Part 2

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-07-13, Pt 2 by Boundcompass

Part 3

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 12-07-13, Pt 3 by Boundcompass

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 08 - The Battle for Turgel

Holy crap!  It's the re-release of the Eighth episode of the release for the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses.  Who would have thought?  Tonight's episode is: the Battle for Turgel.  In which our heroes must rush to the aid of a small resistance group fighting against a tyrannical Baron.  Because he's a jerk and that's what heroes do.

And just to be a dick, I'm not going to tell you where the file is to download.  Ha, take that!

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 08 - The Battle for Turgel by Boundcompass

Monday, December 2, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 11/30/2013

It's the totally cool 11-30-13 session of the Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign - Galaxy Is Ours.  Your host and gamemaster are Devin Peters; and the players are Shawn Meads as B1-33p "Bleep," and David Sanders as Maria Delgaza.

As a note, this might be the last recorded session for awhile.  Skype has seen fit to prevent any 3rd party recording software from being used, so I have to figure our a solution.  I'm told that Skype has something built in, but that it costs money.  I've also looked into Mixcraft, but it looks like I need a special set-up.  Until I can get this issue sorted, the sessions won't be recorded.  Sucks for you.

Also as a note, Part 3 is primarily us just discussing character advancement. You can give it a skip if you want to.

In the meantime, reveal in our gorgeous voices with the delicious download.  ...Or listen from below.

Part 1:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 11-30-13, pt 1 by Boundcompass

Part 2:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 11-30-13, pt 2 by Boundcompass

Part 3:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 11-30-13, pt 3 by Boundcompass