Exciting news! I've just put the first season of The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses up for sale on Bandcamp.
Check it out!
But why put it on sale when I can still get it for free on Boundcompass you may ask? Well, I'll level with you: I need the money. Yes, the series will continue to remain free here. You will still be able to download it, watch it on site, etc... Buying it, however, at the astoundingly low, low price of $10.00 per season helps me continue to work on art, writing, and other projects, as well as puts me one step closer to making this my full time job. A job that I would love to have as comparison to my boring cube-rat job at a stuffy bank. This also comes at a critical time for me and my wife, as we're looking at buying our very fist condo, so any amount of single episodes or full seasons purchased, helps me off set that cost.
I know there are a small amount of you, but I don't care. The amount of traffic is pleasing to see, and as long as you're getting some joy out of my work, be it the series, art, or other works I put up here, I'm happy. If you want to keep coming to Boundcompass to check out my stuff, great. Buying does help me immensely, regardless of how little it seems. It's a big ego boost, and I can push forward on getting the new project off the ground.