Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 03 - The Marauding Horses

Tonight's episode is The Marauding Horses!  In which our heroes must seize a cargo of unfathomable treasure in the face of an elite corps of Royal Confederated soldiers.  One of our heroes will die... probably.  Okay, not really, but your watching now, so the hook works.

This was one of the first episodes that I realized that I would need to do a major rewrite.  While some of the current relationships were there, the jokes just weren't clicking. Originally, Cartwright was very ambiguously
gay; and while that sort of humor can be kind of funny, I felt like I was going to a very easy and shallow well.  I think the changes that his character went through give him more depth and raise the overall intelligence of this episode.  Realizing my error, I then went on to take a swing at Beiber like so many other desperate internet bloggers and made a dildo joke.  Best.  Writer.  Ever.

I've been trying to reach out as far as I can to spread the word of the show.  I realized that I was advertising mostly on review and comic sites which, while not bad, may not necessarily be the audience that's terribly interested in an audio drama.  To remedy this, I've tried to reach out to the audio drama communities by placing the show on a few sites dedicated to the craft.  For any of you out there, do you have any recommendations?  I just noticed that I'm not on the Audio Drama Directory despite submitting my show, so that may be my next effort, and I still need to try to get set up on

This whole process has really been an interesting learning curve.  People like IronLiz, Spoony, and Linkara make this look easy because they've been at it for at least a couple of years and had to go through a lot of trial and error.  If I had a chance to do this over, I certainly would have put more research into advertising, as well as who to best distribute the show.  As I stated before though, my first response to doing something I'm not sure on is to jump in head first.  While sometimes this works for me, sometimes it also kicks my ass.

As I continue work on the second season, my mind wanders to "filler" projects.  These are essentially ideas for me to keep you guys interested, and to keep me posting and active.  One of the hindering factors that I keep running across is time, though.  I already devote an hour Monday to Friday night, plus six(ish) hours on Saturday and Sunday to this project.  That's not counting that I already work full time for a bank.  I'm pretty sure that if I started to put more time into this, the Sardonic Girl would pound me into the ground.

I'm going to still keep thinking about them and figuring out a way to budget the time to put the projects together.  Not only will the be a nice diversion for me, but might also catch some interest from you guys as well.

Hope your all enjoying the show.  I might be a little more cogent, but right now I'm bloody tired (my mind has been such a wash today, that I've been reminding myself to do things in a primal chant all day; I have no clue why).  As normal, any comments, suggestions, questions are more then welcome, so feel free to post.

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