Sunday, October 13, 2013

News Flash! Operation Dancing Queen

For those who haven't seen my last few pissy tweets, Blip has decided to shut down my channel as it isn't receiving enough views for their preference and they hate puppies.  What does this mean for the series?  Well, I certainly haven't busted my ass off for the last three years to just let the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses die.  I don't care how few of you there actually are, I'm at about 90% completion of the final season and have planning done for the series finale.  I am not going to just give up.

The last week has been spent less on finishing up the artwork as well as final production and administrative steps for Season 3, and more on finding a new home for Seasons 1 and 2 (here-to known as Operation Dancing Queen).  I think I've settled on an option that will allow my series to appear both in the old format as well as expose it to the community that it really should have been exposed to in the first place (i.e. I'm going to try to get it onto two sites that are dedicated to audio dramas).

I think what will happen this coming week is I'll begin the conversion and re-release.  I'm not going to pull a George Lucas and re-release the old episodes in high-definition surround sound with added scenes.  Hopefully, this process will be relatively smooth and unobtrusive to my work on Season 3, although as a pragmatist, I am prepared for what may come.

I'm also going to revisit the idea of selling the episodes on Amazon (for relatively cheap).  They will of course always be free for listening on this site and on the two audio drama sites that I'm looking at.  I'm just selling them on Amazon to try and recoup some costs of sound effects and Bradley Rain's deliciously glorious music.  I've also considered doing a special edition Episode 1 which I will pull a Lucas on and add more Ewoks and CG effects that don't age well (although not really) that will only be available on Amazon as a bonus for certain package deals.

Once I get confirmation that the new video host is go, I'll begin re-releasing the old episodes probably at a rate of one or two per week.  I don't want to go too crazy by just dumping the old seasons on you guys, and this will also be an opportunity for me to make sure that Season 3 is the best quality possible.

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