Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses

Episode II of the fantastical audio drama is here!

(This video has been removed.  Check out the new one here).

For those returning, welcome back.  I know there are a few out there that are at least interested for the next

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Ferris' Day

                Another year has come, and once again, it is that special day for lovers everywhere.  The day when many a young couple will go to the local fair or amusement park; share a romantic meal of fair chili and watered down soda; spend ten dollars apiece to share a cozy seat on the Ferris Wheel; and enjoy a romantic view of the park while hoping that the guy in the chair a head of them doesn't vomit from too many deep fried twinkies and prehistoric corn dogs while he's above them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses

Lady's and gentlemen. Boys and Girls. I am proud to present to you:

My new audio drama, the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses!

Tonight's episode is: The Betrayal at Proxima Serpentis VI.

I should make quick mention that this episode does use some strong language. If at work, you may want to put head phones on.

**The video is no longer here.  I've moved it over here instead.**

Just a quick note, all: this is audio only; the title card is just a place holder.

**Update Below**