Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 03 - The Wild Horses

It's the re-release of Episode 03!  In which our heroes must seize a cargo of unfathomable treasure in the face of an elite corps of Royal Confederated soldiers.  One of our heroes will die... probably.  Okay, not really, but your watching now, so the hook works.

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 03 - The Marauding Horses by Boundcompass

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 10/27/2013

The 10-27-13 session of the Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG - Galaxy Is Ours campaign.  A short session in which B1-33P manages to secure his new ship - a modified HWK-290 Hawk Light Freighter.  Devin Peters is the Gamemaster, and Shawn Meads is B1-33P or "Bleep."

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy is Ours 10-27-13 by Boundcompass

Monday, October 21, 2013

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 10-19-13

I'm happy to present my first Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG campaign I'm calling Galaxy Is Ours.  I'll be your lovely Gamemaster for the evening, and Shawn Meads (my sole player) is B1-33p - better known as "Bleep."  Currently in service of Loghk the Saint - a Hutt known for his benevolent ruthlessness - Bleep has been tasked with obtaining a package that Loghk wants for himself.  Can Bleep survive my machinations?  Listen and find out.

This is a recording of our second session (the first didn't get recorded).  I'll have the audio files to download for free here shortly.  I'm having a bit of trouble locating a good FTP host that has enough space to handle this as well as The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses.

The entire file is available in one easy download!  Let me know if it's better broken into pieces like the video. 

Part 1:

Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 10-19-13 pt 1 by Boundcompass

 Part 2:
Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 10-19-13 pt 2 by Boundcompass

Part 3:
Star Wars Edge of the Empire - Galaxy Is Ours 10-19-13 pt 3 by Boundcompass

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses - Episode 01 - The Betrayal at Proxima Serpentis VI

Lady's and gentlemen. Boys and Girls. I am proud to present to you:

My new audio drama, the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses!

Well... new in that it's a... new RE-post of an old post... It was new back in February 2012, but now... it's old.  So, it's not new...  Listen, whatever.  This Episode is The Betrayal at Proxima Serpentis VI!  In which our heroes are betrayed. And then the betrayer is betrayed. So our heroes are all like, "Yo dog, I heard you liked betrayal so we betrayed your betrayer while you were betraying us."

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider - Episode 01 - The Betrayal at Proxima Serpentis VI by Boundcompass

You can find the original post (sans the original video) right... HERE!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

News Flash! Operation Dancing Queen

For those who haven't seen my last few pissy tweets, Blip has decided to shut down my channel as it isn't receiving enough views for their preference and they hate puppies.  What does this mean for the series?  Well, I certainly haven't busted my ass off for the last three years to just let the Amazing Adventures of Captain Farr Novarider and the Wild Horses die.  I don't care how few of you there actually are, I'm at about 90% completion of the final season and have planning done for the series finale.  I am not going to just give up.